Sunday, August 23, 2009

(For Those 18 and Older ONLY) BDSM

Due to current events, and a continuation of the post on the main page In A Moment Of Epiphany; you will find that this particular post is not in the normal “oldest to newest” order.

While talking to my kajira (Gorean word for slave) rose, she brought to my attention that the posts I had written People Who Love it, When Love Hurts (Part 1 and 2) were not really me. Everything that I stated in there is true to the best of my knowledge, and it is all my own work and thoughts, but I was inadvertently attempting to re-invent the wheel. When I first heard what she had to say, I began arguing my point, but the more we shared thoughts, the more I began to realize that she was correct. I am man enough to admit when I am wrong.

If you go to the Google and search BDSM Lifestyle, you will find after sifting through them, they almost all say basically the same thing, and in slightly different wording, the information I posted was the same as the others. While there isn’t anything wrong with that, it doesn’t go with the theme of my site. This site is about me and what I do, not repeating what many others have also said. From here on out it will be based on my working experience, and what I have learned. The basics can be found all over the internet, I want to give you the chance to read bold, fresh information. For those interested in the information that was removed from my page, I have archived it HERE.

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